A hilarious collection of short animations that will make forget you have to go pick up the kids from school!
Chewing your chicken nuggets is exhausting and boring. That's why we here at MacDoogle's developed a whole new way to ingest your processed bone meal! Stomach - meet the Fantastical, Marvelous, Superpendous Pink Slime Machine! The soft serve device pumps the slurry directly into your mouth hole (No chewing required!). Feel free to infuse the slop with powerful flavor additives such as Wacky High Fructose Barbecue and Creamy Dreamy Ranch! Pink slime is the taste kids crave!
Oh my God, you guys! Christmas has got me so excited my head is ballooning up to the size of large melon. I fully expect candy canes to explode forth from the mass on Christmas Eve. At which point I will likely be inoperable, but... Oh my God, I'm so excited!!
Low-T is an awful affliction that effects middle aged men who listen to sports radio too much and wonder why life has passed them by. The supplement can be ingested in shake form through the mouth area or injected directly into the gluteus for maximum dewussification, so you can go back to doing the manly things you love like grilling stuffed-cabbage or shopping for lederhosen!
A little known fact is that cats can read minds, and have the god-like power to make you blink out of existence if you have an unhappy thought. Better keep smiling or you could earn a one way ticket to the Netherworld!
We all did some things in quarantine we’ll regret for the rest of our lives. (Let’s just say we won’t be going back to the ski lodge next year...) What are your most shameful lockdown moments?
SO excited that they’re reopening the Tri-City Petting Zoo this weekend after that huge outbreak. Who else is ready to get their pet on!?
There’s no greater moment in a man’s life than when he births his first alien. Whether you’re watching him get his first hit in t-ball, or witnessing him devour his first human victim, he’ll forever be that little bundle of joy that burst forth from your stomache in gory agony.
I know a lot of you are feeling some anxiety right now, knowing that the universe will be devoured by the Great Demon Lord in 10 days time. My advice would to suppress those feelings of impending doom, and spend these final days doing something you love - like scrubbing and deodorizing the cat litter box!
Breaking News: You are a very special person who deserves to be loved. *Except Jim, who is a piece of shit and needs to return my lawnmower.
When it’s time for your big dance recital by the dumpster in back of the Denny’s, turn to Papi’s Cold Sore Cream for all day relief.
There's plenty left, my friend! It may have been sitting out in the sun but it hasn't lost any flavor.
There’s no greater feeling than the sensation of a hot n’ greasy Horton’s Brand Meat Product sliding down the slippery slopes of your gullet. Try a Horton’s Meat Tube today!
Hey Friend! Can I interest you in some life insurance?
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